GET /api/architectures 200 [ { "architecture": { "name": "s390", "id": 381564594, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_ids": [], "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "architecture": { "name": "sparc", "id": 331892513, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_ids": [ 442321401 ], "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "architecture": { "name": "x86_64", "id": 501905019, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_ids": [ 331303656, 309172073, 1073012828 ], "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/architectures/x86_64 200 { "architecture": { "name": "x86_64", "id": 501905019, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_ids": [ 309172073, 1073012828, 331303656 ], "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/architectures { "architecture": { "name": "i386" } } 200 { "architecture": { "name": "i386", "id": 501905020, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "operatingsystem_ids": [], "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
architecture required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
architecture[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
architecture[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Operatingsystem ID’s Value: Must be Array |
PUT /api/architectures/x86_64 { "architecture": {} } 200 { "architecture": { "name": "x86_64", "id": 501905019 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
architecture required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
architecture[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
architecture[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Operatingsystem ID’s Value: Must be Array |
DELETE /api/architectures/s390 200 { "architecture": { "name": "s390", "id": 381564594 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/audits 200 [ { "audit": { "auditable_name": null, "user_id": null, "associated_id": 272, "associated_name": null, "id": 1, "comment": null, "auditable_id": 0, "auditable_type": "Host", "associated_type": "Host", "remote_address": null, "action": "update", "audited_changes": { "architecture_id": [ 10463, 10466 ] }, "user_type": null, "version": 1, "created_at": "2009-12-14T08:01:17Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/audits/1 200 { "audit": { "auditable_name": null, "user_id": null, "associated_id": 272, "associated_name": null, "id": 1, "comment": null, "auditable_id": 0, "auditable_type": "Host", "associated_type": "Host", "remote_address": null, "action": "update", "audited_changes": { "architecture_id": [ 10463, 10466 ] }, "user_type": null, "version": 1, "created_at": "2009-12-14T08:01:17Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps 200 [ { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap", "attr_lastname": "sn", "port": 123, "attr_firstname": "givenName", "attr_login": "uid", "tls": true, "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "host": "ldap", "base_dn": "dn=x,dn=y", "attr_mail": "mail", "account": null, "type": "AuthSourceLdap", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "onthefly_register": true } } ]
Param name | Description |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/980190962 200 { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap", "attr_lastname": "sn", "attr_firstname": "givenName", "port": 123, "attr_login": "uid", "tls": true, "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "host": "ldap", "base_dn": "dn=x,dn=y", "attr_mail": "mail", "account": null, "type": "AuthSourceLdap", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "onthefly_register": true } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/auth_source_ldaps { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap2", "host": "ldap2" } } 201 { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap2", "tls": false, "port": 389, "attr_login": null, "attr_lastname": null, "attr_firstname": null, "id": 980190963, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:44Z", "host": "ldap2", "base_dn": null, "attr_mail": null, "account_password": null, "account": null, "onthefly_register": false, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:44Z" } }
Param name | Description |
auth_source_ldap required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
auth_source_ldap[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[host] required |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[port] optional |
defaults to 389 Value: Must be a number. |
auth_source_ldap[account] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[base_dn] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[account_password] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_login] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_firstname] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_lastname] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_mail] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[onthefly_register] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
auth_source_ldap[tls] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
PUT /api/auth_source_ldaps/980190962 { "auth_source_ldap": {} } 200 { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap", "tls": true, "port": 123, "attr_login": "uid", "attr_lastname": "sn", "attr_firstname": "givenName", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "host": "ldap", "base_dn": "dn=x,dn=y", "attr_mail": "mail", "account_password": null, "account": null, "onthefly_register": true, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
auth_source_ldap[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[host] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[port] optional |
defaults to 389 Value: Must be a number. |
auth_source_ldap[account] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[base_dn] optional |
Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[account_password] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_login] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_firstname] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_lastname] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[attr_mail] optional |
required if onthefly_register is true Value: Must be String |
auth_source_ldap[onthefly_register] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
auth_source_ldap[tls] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
DELETE /api/auth_source_ldaps/980190962 200 { "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap", "tls": true, "port": 123, "attr_login": "uid", "attr_lastname": "sn", "attr_firstname": "givenName", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "host": "ldap", "base_dn": "dn=x,dn=y", "attr_mail": "mail", "account_password": null, "account": null, "onthefly_register": true, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/bookmarks 200 [ { "bookmark": { "name": "bar", "query": "bar=car", "id": 298486374, "owner_id": null, "public": false, "controller": "hosts", "owner_type": null } }, { "bookmark": { "name": "foo", "query": "foo=boo", "id": 980190962, "owner_id": null, "public": true, "controller": "hosts", "owner_type": null } } ]
Param name | Description |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/bookmarks/foo 200 { "bookmark": { "name": "foo", "query": "foo=boo", "id": 980190962, "owner_id": null, "public": true, "controller": "hosts", "owner_type": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/bookmarks { "bookmark": { "query": "bar", "name": "foo-bar", "public": false, "controller": "hosts" } } 200 { "bookmark": { "name": "foo-bar", "query": "bar", "id": 980190963, "owner_id": 886836129, "public": false, "controller": "hosts", "owner_type": "User" } }
Param name | Description |
bookmark required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
bookmark[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[controller] required |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[query] required |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[public] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
PUT /api/bookmarks/foo { "bookmark": {} } 200 { "bookmark": { "name": "foo", "query": "foo=boo", "user": { "name": "apiadmin User", "login": "apiadmin", "email": "" }, "id": 980190962, "public": true, "controller": "hosts" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
bookmark required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
bookmark[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[controller] optional |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[query] optional |
Value: Must be String |
bookmark[public] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
DELETE /api/bookmarks/foo 200 { "bookmark": { "query": "foo=boo", "name": "foo", "id": 980190962, "public": true, "owner_id": null, "controller": "hosts", "owner_type": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/common_parameters 200 [ { "common_parameter": { "name": "test", "value": "myvalue", "id": 636252244 } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/common_parameters/636252244 200 { "common_parameter": { "name": "test", "value": "myvalue", "id": 636252244 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/common_parameters { "common_parameter": { "name": "special_key", "value": "123" } } 200 { "common_parameter": { "name": "special_key", "value": "123", "id": 767575239 } }
Param name | Description |
common_parameter required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
common_parameter[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
common_parameter[value] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/common_parameters/636252244 { "common_parameter": {} } 200 { "common_parameter": { "name": "test", "value": "myvalue", "id": 636252244 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
common_parameter required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
common_parameter[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
common_parameter[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/common_parameters/636252244 200 { "common_parameter": { "name": "test", "value": "myvalue", "id": 636252244 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/compute_resources 200 [ { "compute_resource": { "name": "mycompute", "url": "test:///default", "user": "MyString", "provider": "Libvirt", "id": 367690737, "description": "mycompute", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "compute_resource": { "name": "MyString", "url": "qemu://stam/system", "user": "MyString", "provider": "Libvirt", "id": 980190962, "description": "MyString", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "compute_resource": { "name": "yourcompute", "url": "test:///default", "user": "MyString", "provider": "Libvirt", "id": 932571420, "description": "yourcompute", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/compute_resources/980190962-mystring 200 { "compute_resource": { "name": "MyString", "url": "qemu://stam/system", "user": "MyString", "provider": "Libvirt", "id": 980190962, "description": "MyString", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/compute_resources { "compute_resource": { "name": "special_compute", "user": "", "provider": "EC2", "password": "secret", "region": "eu-west-1" } } 200 { "compute_resource": { "name": "special_compute", "url": "eu-west-1", "user": "", "provider": "EC2", "id": 980190963, "description": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:44Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:44Z" } }
Param name | Description |
compute_resource required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
compute_resource[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[provider] optional |
Providers include Libvirt, Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack, Rackspace, GCE Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[url] required |
URL for Libvirt, Ovirt, and Openstack Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[user] optional |
Username for Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack. Access Key for EC2. Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[password] optional |
Password for Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack. Secret key for EC2 Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[uuid] optional |
for Ovirt, Vmware Datacenter Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[region] optional |
for EC2 only Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[tenant] optional |
for Openstack only Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[server] optional |
for Vmware Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/compute_resources/367690737-mycompute { "compute_resource": { "description": "new_description" } } 200 { "compute_resource": { "url": "test:///default", "name": "mycompute", "user": "MyString", "id": 367690737, "uuid": "mycompute", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:45Z", "description": "new_description", "attrs": {}, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
compute_resource required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
compute_resource[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[provider] optional |
Providers include Libvirt, Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack, Rackspace, GCE Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[url] optional |
URL for Libvirt, Ovirt, and Openstack Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[user] optional |
Username for Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack. Access Key for EC2. Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[password] optional |
Password for Ovirt, EC2, Vmware, Openstack. Secret key for EC2 Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[uuid] optional |
for Ovirt, Vmware Datacenter Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[region] optional |
for EC2 only Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[tenant] optional |
for Openstack only Value: Must be String |
compute_resource[server] optional |
for Vmware Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/compute_resources/932571420 200 { "compute_resource": { "url": "test:///default", "name": "yourcompute", "user": "MyString", "id": 932571420, "uuid": "yourcompute", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "description": "yourcompute", "attrs": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/config_templates 200 [ { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "audit_comment": null, "id": 1007981701, "snippet": null, "template": "default linux~label linux~kernel <%= @kernel %>~append initrd=<%= @initrd %> ks=<%= foreman_url(\"kickstart\")%> ksdevice=bootif network kssendmac", "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyFinish", "audit_comment": null, "id": 104314179, "snippet": null, "template": "MyFinish", "template_kind": { "name": "finish", "id": 550103832 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyScript", "audit_comment": null, "id": 981457253, "snippet": null, "template": "MyText", "template_kind": { "name": "script", "id": 478250810 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString", "audit_comment": null, "id": 943779058, "snippet": null, "template": "MyText", "template_kind": { "name": "gPXE", "id": 158998239 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString2", "audit_comment": null, "id": 269958254, "snippet": null, "template": "MyText", "template_kind": { "name": "provision", "id": 983253650 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Default File", "audit_comment": null, "id": 352050261, "snippet": null, "template": "default linux~label linux~kernel <%= @kernel %>~append initrd=<%= @initrd %> ksdevice=bootif network kssendmac", "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Default Menu", "audit_comment": null, "id": 684651467, "": null, "snippet": null, "template": "FOO" } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Localboot Default", "audit_comment": null, "id": 821548108, "snippet": null, "template": "DEFAULT menu~PROMPT 0~MENU TITLE PXE Menu~TIMEOUT 200~TOTALTIMEOUT 6000~ONTIMEOUT local~~LABEL local~MENU LABEL (local)~MENU DEFAULT~LOCALBOOT 0", "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/config_templates/centos5_3_pxelinux 200 { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "id": 1007981701, "audit_comment": null, "snippet": null, "template": "default linux~label linux~kernel <%= @kernel %>~append initrd=<%= @initrd %> ks=<%= foreman_url(\"kickstart\")%> ksdevice=bootif network kssendmac", "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/config_templates { "config_template": { "name": "RandomName", "template": "This is a test template", "template_kind_id": 1 } } 200 { "config_template": { "name": "RandomName", "audit_comment": null, "id": 1007981702, "": null, "snippet": null, "template": "This is a test template" } }
Param name | Description |
config_template required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
config_template[name] required |
template name Value: Must be String |
config_template[template] required |
Value: Must be String |
config_template[snippet] optional , nil allowed |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
config_template[audit_comment] optional , nil allowed |
Value: Must be String |
config_template[template_kind_id] optional , nil allowed |
not relevant for snippet Value: Must be a number. |
config_template[template_combinations_attributes] optional |
Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id) Value: Must be Array |
config_template[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Array of operating systems ID to associate the template with Value: Must be Array |
PUT /api/config_templates/centos5_3_pxelinux { "config_template": { "audit_comment": "aha", "template": "tmp" } } 200 { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "id": 1007981701, "template": "tmp", "snippet": null, "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
config_template required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
config_template[name] optional |
template name Value: Must be String |
config_template[template] optional |
Value: Must be String |
config_template[snippet] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
config_template[audit_comment] optional , nil allowed |
Value: Must be String |
config_template[template_kind_id] optional , nil allowed |
not relevant for snippet Value: Must be a number. |
config_template[template_combinations_attributes] optional |
Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id) Value: Must be Array |
config_template[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Array of operating systems ID to associate the template with Value: Must be Array |
Param name | Description |
version optional |
template version Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/config_templates/centos5_3_pxelinux 200 { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "id": 1007981701, "template": "default linux~label linux~kernel <%= @kernel %>~append initrd=<%= @initrd %> ks=<%= foreman_url(\"kickstart\")%> ksdevice=bootif network kssendmac", "snippet": null, "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/config_templates/build_pxe_default 200 PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies
GET /api/dashboard 200 { "disabled_hosts": 0, "ok_hosts": 0, "good_hosts": 0, "active_hosts_ok": 0, "pending_hosts_enabled": 0, "active_hosts_ok_enabled": 0, "good_hosts_enabled": 0, "active_hosts": 0, "percentage": 0, "out_of_sync_hosts": 0, "total_hosts": 12, "bad_hosts": 0, "out_of_sync_hosts_enabled": 0, "pending_hosts": 0, "bad_hosts_enabled": 0, "ok_hosts_enabled": 0, "reports_missing": 12 }
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form then the domain is This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.
GET /api/domains 200 [ { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 22495316, "dns_id": 113629430, "fullname": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 759776763, "dns_id": 113629430, "fullname": "somewhare that is never used", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 229305443, "dns_id": null, "fullname": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 589326610, "dns_id": 113629430, "fullname": "somewhere in yourdomain", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/domains/ 200 { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 22495316, "dns_id": 113629430, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "fullname": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
May be numerical id or domain name Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
The fullname field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains, and also available as an external node parameter
POST /api/domains { "domain": { "name": "" } } 201 { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 759776764 } }
Param name | Description |
domain required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
domain[name] required |
The full DNS Domain name Value: Must be String |
domain[fullname] optional , nil allowed |
Full name describing the domain Value: Must be String |
domain[dns_id] optional , nil allowed |
DNS Proxy to use within this domain Value: Must be a number. |
domain[domain_parameters_attributes] optional |
Array of parameters (name, value) Value: Must be Array |
PUT /api/domains/ { "domain": { "name": "" } } 422 { "domain": { "id": 22495316, "errors": { "name": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Name can't be blank" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
domain required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
domain[name] optional , nil allowed |
The full DNS Domain name Value: Must be String |
domain[fullname] optional , nil allowed |
Full name describing the domain Value: Must be String |
domain[dns_id] optional , nil allowed |
DNS Proxy to use within this domain Value: Must be a number. |
domain[domain_parameters_attributes] optional |
Array of parameters (name, value) Value: Must be Array |
DELETE /api/domains/ 200 { "domain": { "name": "", "id": 22495316 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/environments 200 [ { "environment": { "name": "global_puppetmaster", "id": 153855663, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }, { "environment": { "name": "testing", "id": 687036937, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/environments/production 200 { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/environments { "environment": { "name": "Development" } } 200 { "environment": { "name": "Development", "id": 687036938, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:46Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:46Z" } }
Param name | Description |
environment required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
environment[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/environments/production { "environment": {} } 200 { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
environment required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
environment[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/environments/testing 200 { "environment": { "name": "testing", "id": 687036937 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/hosts/ 200 { "": { "ipaddress": "", "kernelversion": "2.6.9" } }
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api 200 { "links": { "List all hosts": "/api/hosts", "List all compute resources": "/api/compute_resources", "List of subnets": "/api/subnets", "List all fact values": "/api/fact_values", "List all authsource ldaps": "/api/auth_source_ldaps", "List all settings": "/api/settings", "List of domains": "/api/domains", "List all operating systems": "/api/operatingsystems", "List all images for compute resource": "/api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images", "List all smart_proxies": "/api/smart_proxies", "List all models": "/api/models", "List templates": "/api/config_templates", "List all architectures": "/api/architectures", "List all hostgroups": "/api/hostgroups", "List all environments": "/api/environments", "List all ptables": "/api/ptables", "List all users": "/api/users", "List all usergroups": "/api/usergroups", "List all common parameters": "/api/common_parameters", "List all puppetclasses": "/api/puppetclasses", "Show status": "/api/status", "List all media": "/api/media", "List all bookmarks": "/api/bookmarks", "List all template kinds": "/api/template_kinds", "Get Dashboard results": "/api/dashboard", "List all reports": "/api/reports", "Show available links": "/api", "List all lookup_keys": "/api/lookup_keys", "List all roles": "/api/roles", "List all audits": "/api/audits" } }
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id of host Value: Must be String |
puppetclass_id required |
id of puppetclass Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id of host Value: Must be String |
id required |
id of puppetclass Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
hostgroup_id required |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
puppetclass_id required |
id of puppetclass Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
hostgroup_id required |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
puppetclass_id required |
id of puppetclass Value: Must be String |
GET /api/hostgroups 200 [ { "hostgroup": { "name": "db", "label": "db", "id": 603241515, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "ancestry": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "parameters": {}, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": null, "puppetclass_ids": [] } }, { "hostgroup": { "name": "Common", "label": "Common", "id": 636252244, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "ancestry": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "parameters": { "group1": "group1" }, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppetclass_ids": [ 980190962 ] } }, { "hostgroup": { "name": "Unusual", "label": "Unusual", "id": 866317115, "operatingsystem_id": null, "ancestry": null, "environment_id": null, "parameters": {}, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": null, "puppetclass_ids": [] } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/hostgroups/636252244-common 200 { "hostgroup": { "name": "Common", "label": "Common", "id": 636252244, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "ancestry": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "parameters": { "group1": "group1" }, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppetclass_ids": [ 980190962 ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/hostgroups { "hostgroup": { "name": "TestHostgroup" } } 200 { "hostgroup": { "name": "TestHostgroup", "label": "TestHostgroup", "id": 866317116, "operatingsystem_id": null, "ancestry": null, "environment_id": null, "parameters": {}, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": null, "puppetclass_ids": [] } }
Param name | Description |
hostgroup required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
hostgroup[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
hostgroup[parent_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[environment_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[operatingsystem_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[architecture_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[medium_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[ptable_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[domain_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[puppet_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
PUT /api/hostgroups/636252244-common { "hostgroup": {} } 200 { "hostgroup": { "name": "Common", "label": "Common", "id": 636252244, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "ancestry": null, "parameters": { "group1": "group1" }, "environment_id": 334344675, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppetclass_ids": [ 980190962 ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
hostgroup required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
hostgroup[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
hostgroup[parent_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[environment_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[operatingsystem_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[architecture_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[medium_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[ptable_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[domain_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
hostgroup[puppet_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
DELETE /api/hostgroups/636252244-common 200 { "hostgroup": { "name": "Common", "label": "Common", "id": 636252244, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "ancestry": null, "parameters": {}, "environment_id": 334344675, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppetclass_ids": [] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/hosts 200 [ { "host": { "name": "anotherfullhost", "id": 55602819, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 219245707, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 980190962, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 1053842695, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "otherfullhost", "id": 661942085, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 500757383, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "sol10host", "id": 715054938, "operatingsystem_id": 442321401, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 859751735, "operatingsystem_id": 859751735, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 1011586618, "operatingsystem_id": 331303656, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 1073012828, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 3666571, "operatingsystem_id": 331303656, "hostgroup_id": null } }, { "host": { "name": "", "id": 298486374, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "hostgroup_id": null } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/hosts/ 200 { "host": { "host_parameters": [ { "host_parameter": { "priority": 4, "name": "host1", "value": "host1", "id": 254219264, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "reference_id": 980190962, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } } ], "name": "", "installed_at": null, "sp_ip": "", "image_file": "", "sp_name": "", "last_report": null, "enabled": true, "ip": "", "id": 980190962, "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "certname": "", "medium_id": null, "sp_mac": "", "model_id": null, "comment": null, "uuid": null, "mac": "aabbCCddeeee", "use_image": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "owner_id": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "build": false, "subnet_id": 980190962, "domain_id": 22495316, "environment": { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675 } }, "sp_subnet_id": null, "hostgroup_id": null, "puppet_proxy_id": 182953976, "owner_type": null, "ptable_id": 980190962, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "disk": null, "managed": true, "architecture_id": 501905019, "image_id": null, "compute_resource_id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, dot(.), space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/hosts { "host": { "name": "testhost11", "ip": "", "mac": "52:53:00:1e:85:93", "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "environment_id": 334344675, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppet_proxy_id": 7, "architecture_id": 501905019 } } 200 { "host": { "name": "", "host_parameters": [], "installed_at": null, "sp_ip": "", "sp_name": "", "image_file": "", "last_report": null, "enabled": true, "id": 1073012829, "ip": "", "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "certname": "fcfce82c-33d1-4565-843a-4f58ff8e371a", "medium_id": null, "sp_mac": "", "model_id": null, "comment": null, "uuid": null, "mac": "52:53:00:1e:85:93", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:48Z", "use_image": null, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "owner_id": 886836129, "environment_id": 334344675, "build": false, "subnet_id": null, "environment": { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675 } }, "domain_id": 22495316, "sp_subnet_id": null, "hostgroup_id": null, "puppet_proxy_id": 7, "owner_type": "User", "ptable_id": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:48Z", "disk": null, "managed": true, "architecture_id": 501905019, "compute_resource_id": null, "image_id": null } }
Param name | Description |
host required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
host[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
host[environment_id] required |
Value: Must be String |
host[ip] optional |
not required if using a subnet with dhcp proxy Value: Must be String |
host[mac] optional |
not required if its a virtual machine Value: Must be String |
host[architecture_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[domain_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[puppet_proxy_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[operatingsystem_id] required |
Value: Must be String |
host[medium_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[ptable_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[sp_subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[model_id_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[hostgroup_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[owner_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[image_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[host_parameters_attributes] optional |
Value: Must be Array |
PUT /api/hosts/ { "host": {} } 200 { "host": { "sp_name": "", "sp_ip": "", "serial": null, "name": "", "installed_at": null, "image_file": "", "last_report": null, "enabled": true, "sp_mac": "", "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "medium_id": 980190962, "ip": "", "id": 298486374, "certname": "", "uuid": null, "use_image": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:48Z", "root_pass": "xybxa6JUkz63w", "model_id": null, "mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "last_compile": null, "comment": null, "owner_id": 886836129, "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "location_id": null, "organization_id": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "build": false, "subnet_id": 980190962, "sp_subnet_id": null, "hostgroup_id": null, "environment": { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675 } }, "domain_id": 589326610, "source_file_id": null, "puppet_proxy_id": 182953976, "ptable_id": 980190962, "owner_type": "User", "puppet_status": 0, "disk": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "managed": null, "last_freshcheck": null, "image_id": null, "compute_resource_id": 980190962, "architecture_id": 501905019 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
host required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
host[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
host[environment_id] optional |
Value: Must be String |
host[ip] optional |
not required if using a subnet with dhcp proxy Value: Must be String |
host[mac] optional |
not required if its a virtual machine Value: Must be String |
host[architecture_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[domain_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[puppet_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[operatingsystem_id] optional |
Value: Must be String |
host[medium_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[ptable_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[sp_subnet_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[model_id_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[hostgroup_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[owner_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[image_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
host[host_parameters_attributes] optional |
Value: Must be Array |
DELETE /api/hosts/ 200 { "host": { "sp_name": "", "sp_ip": "", "serial": null, "name": "", "installed_at": null, "image_file": "", "last_report": null, "enabled": true, "sp_mac": "", "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "medium_id": null, "ip": "", "id": 980190962, "certname": "", "uuid": null, "use_image": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "root_pass": "xybxa6JUkz63w", "model_id": null, "mac": "aabbCCddeeee", "last_compile": null, "comment": null, "owner_id": null, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "location_id": null, "organization_id": null, "environment_id": 334344675, "build": false, "subnet_id": 980190962, "sp_subnet_id": null, "hostgroup_id": null, "environment": { "environment": { "name": "production", "id": 334344675 } }, "domain_id": 22495316, "source_file_id": null, "puppet_proxy_id": 182953976, "ptable_id": 980190962, "owner_type": null, "puppet_status": 0, "disk": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "managed": true, "last_freshcheck": null, "image_id": null, "compute_resource_id": 980190962, "architecture_id": 501905019 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Return value may either be one of the following:
GET /api/hosts/ 200 { "status": "missing" }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, dot(.), space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, dot(.), space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
power_action required |
power action, valid actions are (‘on’, ‘start’)’, (‘off’, ‘stop’), (‘soft’, ‘reboot’), (‘cycle’, ‘reset’), (‘state’, ‘status’) Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, dot(.), space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
device required |
boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
name required |
hostname of the host Value: Must be String |
facts required |
hash containing the facts for the host Value: Must be Hash |
certname optional |
optional: certname of the host Value: Must be String |
type optional |
optional: the STI type of host to create Value: Must be String |
GET /api/compute_resources/980190962/images 200 [ { "image": { "name": "centos-2", "id": 298486374, "uuid": "MyString2", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "username": "MyString", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "architecture_id": 501905019, "compute_resource_id": 980190962 } }, { "image": { "name": "centos-1", "id": 980190962, "uuid": "string-of-uuid", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "username": "root", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "architecture_id": 501905019, "compute_resource_id": 980190962 } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
compute_resource_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/compute_resources/980190962/images/980190962 200 { "image": { "name": "centos-1", "id": 980190962, "uuid": "string-of-uuid", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "username": "root", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "architecture_id": 501905019, "compute_resource_id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
compute_resource_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/compute_resources/980190962/images { "image": { "name": "TestImage", "uuid": "abcdef", "username": "ec2-user", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "compute_resource_id": 367690737, "architecture_id": 381564594 } } 201 { "compute_resource": { "url": "qemu://stam/system", "name": "MyString", "user": "MyString", "id": 980190962, "uuid": "MyString", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "description": "MyString", "attrs": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z" } }
Param name | Description |
compute_resource_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
image required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
image[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
image[username] required |
Value: Must be String |
image[uuid] required |
Value: Must be String |
image[compute_resource_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
image[architecture_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
image[operatingsystem_id] required |
Value: Must be a number. |
PUT /api/compute_resources/980190962/images/980190962 { "image": {} } 200 { "image": { "name": "centos-1", "id": 980190962, "uuid": "string-of-uuid", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "username": "root", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resource_id": 980190962, "architecture_id": 501905019 } }
Param name | Description |
compute_resource_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
image required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
image[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
image[username] optional |
Value: Must be String |
image[uuid] optional |
Value: Must be String |
image[compute_resource_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
image[architecture_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
image[operatingsystem_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
DELETE /api/compute_resources/980190962/images/980190962 200 { "image": { "name": "centos-1", "id": 980190962, "uuid": "string-of-uuid", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "username": "root", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resource_id": 980190962, "architecture_id": 501905019 } }
Param name | Description |
compute_resource_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id or name of host Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id or name of nested host Value: Must be String |
id required |
id or name of interface Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id or name of host Value: Must be String |
interface required |
interface information Value: Must be a Hash |
interface[mac] required |
MAC address of interface Value: Must be String |
interface[ip] required |
IP address of interface Value: Must be String |
interface[type] required |
Interface type, i.e: Nic::BMC Value: Must be String |
interface[name] required |
Interface name Value: Must be String |
interface[subnet_id] optional |
Foreman subnet id of interface Value: Must be Fixnum |
interface[domain_id] optional |
Foreman domain id of interface Value: Must be Fixnum |
interface[username] optional |
Value: Must be String |
interface[password] optional |
Value: Must be String |
interface[provider] optional |
Interface provider, i.e: IPMI Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id required |
id or name of host Value: Must be String |
interface required |
interface information Value: Must be a Hash |
interface[mac] optional |
MAC address of interface Value: Must be String |
interface[ip] optional |
IP address of interface Value: Must be String |
interface[type] optional |
Interface type, i.e: Nic::BMC Value: Must be String |
interface[name] optional |
Interface name Value: Must be String |
interface[subnet_id] optional |
Foreman subnet id of interface Value: Must be Fixnum |
interface[domain_id] optional |
Foreman domain id of interface Value: Must be Fixnum |
interface[username] optional |
Value: Must be String |
interface[password] optional |
Value: Must be String |
interface[provider] optional |
Interface provider, i.e: IPMI Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
id of interface Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
location required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
location[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
location required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
location[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/lookup_keys 200 [ { "lookup_key": { "id": 980190962, "required": false, "description": null, "key": "port", "is_param": true, "override": false, "default_value": "80" } }, { "lookup_key": { "id": 113629430, "required": false, "description": null, "key": "ssl", "is_param": true, "override": true, "default_value": "t" } }, { "lookup_key": { "id": 298486374, "required": false, "description": null, "key": "ssl_port", "is_param": false, "override": false, "default_value": "443" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/lookup_keys/980190962-port 200 { "lookup_key": { "id": 980190962, "required": false, "description": null, "key": "port", "is_param": true, "override": false, "default_value": "80" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/lookup_keys { "lookup_key": { "is_param": true, "key": "testkey" } } 201 { "lookup_key": { "required": false, "id": 980190963, "description": null, "key": "testkey", "is_param": true, "override": false, "default_value": null } }
Param name | Description |
lookup_key required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
lookup_key[key] required |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[puppetclass_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
lookup_key[default_value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[path] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[lookup_values_count] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
PUT /api/lookup_keys/980190962-port { "lookup_key": { "default_value": 8080 } } 200 { "lookup_key": { "required": false, "id": 980190962, "description": null, "key": "port", "is_param": true, "override": false, "default_value": 8080 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
lookup_key required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
lookup_key[key] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[puppetclass_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
lookup_key[default_value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[path] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
lookup_key[lookup_values_count] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
DELETE /api/lookup_keys/980190962-port 200 { "lookup_key": { "required": false, "id": 980190962, "description": null, "key": "port", "is_param": true, "override": false, "default_value": "80" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/media 200 [ { "medium": { "name": "CentOS 5.4", "id": 980190962, "path": "$arch" } }, { "medium": { "name": "OpenSuse Mirror", "id": 859751735, "path": "$major.$minor/repo/oss" } }, { "medium": { "name": "Solaris 10", "id": 442321401, "path": "http://brsla01/vol/solgi_5.10/sol$minor_$release_$arch" } }, { "medium": { "name": "Ubuntu Mirror", "id": 1011586618, "path": "" } }, { "medium": { "name": "unused", "id": 338446587, "path": "" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
for example, name ASC, or name DESC Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/media/980190962 200 { "medium": { "name": "CentOS 5.4", "id": 980190962, "path": "$arch" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/media { "medium": { "name": "new medium", "path": "" } } 201 { "medium": { "name": "new medium", "id": 1011586619 } }
Param name | Description |
medium required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
medium[name] required |
Name of media Value: Must be String |
medium[path] required |
The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture). for example$version/os/$arch where $arch will be substituted for the host’s actual OS architecture and $version, $major and $minor will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use $release. Value: Must be String |
medium[os_family] optional |
The family that the operating system belongs to. Available families:
Value: Must be String |
medium[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Value: Must be Array |
PUT /api/media/980190962 { "name": "CentOS 5.4" } 200 { "medium": { "name": "CentOS 5.4", "id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
medium required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
medium[name] optional |
Name of media Value: Must be String |
medium[path] optional |
The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture). for example$version/os/$arch where $arch will be substituted for the host’s actual OS architecture and $version, $major and $minor will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use $release. Value: Must be String |
medium[os_family] optional , nil allowed |
The family that the operating system belongs to. Available families:
Value: Must be String |
medium[operatingsystem_ids] optional |
Value: Must be Array |
DELETE /api/media/338446587 200 { "medium": { "name": "unused", "id": 338446587 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/models 200 [ { "model": { "name": "KVM", "id": 980190962, "vendor_class": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "info": "Virtual Machine", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "hardware_model": null } }, { "model": { "name": "SUN V210", "id": 139037058, "vendor_class": "Sun-Fire-V210", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "info": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "hardware_model": "SUN4U" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/models/980190962 200 { "model": { "name": "KVM", "id": 980190962, "vendor_class": null, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "info": "Virtual Machine", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "hardware_model": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/models { "model": { "name": "new model" } } 201 { "model": { "name": "new model", "vendor_class": null, "id": 980190963, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:49Z", "info": null, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:49Z", "hardware_model": null } }
Param name | Description |
model required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
model[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
model[info] optional |
Value: Must be String |
model[vendor_class] optional |
Value: Must be String |
model[hardware_model] optional |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/models/980190962 { "name": "KVM" } 200 { "model": { "name": "KVM", "vendor_class": null, "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "info": "Virtual Machine", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "hardware_model": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
model required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
model[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
model[info] optional |
Value: Must be String |
model[vendor_class] optional |
Value: Must be String |
model[hardware_model] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/models/980190962 200 { "model": { "name": "KVM", "vendor_class": null, "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "info": "Virtual Machine", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "hardware_model": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
for example, name ASC, or name DESC Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/operatingsystems/1073012828 200 { "operatingsystem": { "name": "Redhat", "minor": "1", "id": 1073012828, "family": "Redhat", "ptables": [ { "ptable": { "name": "default", "id": 980190962 } } ], "os_default_templates": [], "architectures": [ { "architecture": { "name": "x86_64", "id": 501905019 } } ], "config_templates": [ { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "id": 1007981701 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyFinish", "id": 104314179 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyScript", "id": 981457253 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString", "id": 943779058 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString2", "id": 269958254 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Default File", "id": 352050261 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Localboot Default", "id": 821548108 } } ], "release_name": null, "major": "6", "media": [ { "medium": { "name": "CentOS 5.4", "id": 980190962 } } ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
POST /api/operatingsystems { "operatingsystem": { "minor": "2", "name": "awsome_os", "major": "1" } } 200 { "operatingsystem": { "name": "awsome_os", "minor": "2", "id": 1073012829, "family": null, "ptables": [], "os_default_templates": [], "release_name": null, "config_templates": [], "architectures": [], "major": "1", "media": [] } }
Param name | Description |
operatingsystem required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
operatingsystem[name] required |
Value: Must match regular expression /\A(\S+)\Z/. |
operatingsystem[major] required |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[minor] required |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[family] optional |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[release_name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/operatingsystems/1073012828 { "operatingsystem": { "name": "new_name" } } 200 { "operatingsystem": { "name": "new_name", "minor": "1", "id": 1073012828, "family": "Redhat", "ptables": [ { "ptable": { "name": "default", "id": 980190962 } } ], "os_default_templates": [], "config_templates": [ { "config_template": { "name": "centos5_3_pxelinux", "id": 1007981701 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyFinish", "id": 104314179 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyScript", "id": 981457253 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString", "id": 943779058 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "MyString2", "id": 269958254 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Default File", "id": 352050261 } }, { "config_template": { "name": "PXE Localboot Default", "id": 821548108 } } ], "architectures": [ { "architecture": { "name": "x86_64", "id": 501905019 } } ], "release_name": null, "media": [ { "medium": { "name": "CentOS 5.4", "id": 980190962 } } ], "major": "6" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
operatingsystem[name] optional |
Value: Must match regular expression /\A(\S+)\Z/. |
operatingsystem[major] optional |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[minor] optional |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[family] optional |
Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem[release_name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/775246587 200 { "operatingsystem": { "name": "NoHosts 1.1", "id": 775246587, "ptables": [], "architectures": [], "config_templates": [], "media": [] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
medium optional |
Value: Must be String |
architecture optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
organization required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
organization[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
organization required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
organization[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
override_value required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
override_value[match] optional |
Value: Must be String |
override_value[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
override_value required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
override_value[match] optional |
Value: Must be String |
override_value[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
These API calls are related to nested parameters for host, domain, hostgroup, operating system. If you are looking for global parameters, go to this link.
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
domain_id optional |
id of domain Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem_id optional |
id of operating system Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
domain_id optional |
id of domain Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem_id optional |
id of operating system Value: Must be String |
id required |
id of parameter Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
domain_id optional |
id of domain Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem_id optional |
id of operating system Value: Must be String |
parameter required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
parameter[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
parameter[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
domain_id optional |
id of domain Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem_id optional |
id of operating system Value: Must be String |
id required |
id of parameter Value: Must be String |
parameter required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
parameter[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
parameter[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of hostgroup Value: Must be String |
domain_id optional |
id of domain Value: Must be String |
operatingsystem_id optional |
id of operating system Value: Must be String |
id required |
id of parameter Value: Must be String |
GET /api/ptables 200 [ { "ptable": { "name": "default", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "ptable": { "name": "four", "id": 281110143, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "ptable": { "name": "suse default", "id": 859751735, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "ptable": { "name": "ubuntu default", "id": 1011586618, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/ptables/980190962 200 { "ptable": { "name": "default", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/ptables { "ptable": { "name": "ptable_test", "layout": "d-i partman-auto/disk" } } 201 { "ptable": { "name": "ptable_test", "id": 1011586619 } }
Param name | Description |
ptable required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
ptable[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
ptable[layout] required |
Value: Must be String |
ptable[os_family] optional |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/ptables/980190962 { "ptable": {} } 200 { "ptable": { "name": "default", "id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
ptable required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
ptable[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
ptable[layout] optional |
Value: Must be String |
ptable[os_family] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/ptables/980190962 422 { "ptable": { "id": 980190962, "errors": { "base": [ "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by" ] }, "full_messages": [ "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by", "default is used by" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/puppetclasses 200 { "base": [ { "puppetclass": { "name": "base", "id": 980190962, "lookup_keys": [ { "id": 298486374 } ] } } ], "apache": [ { "puppetclass": { "name": "apache", "id": 298486374, "lookup_keys": [] } } ] }
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of nested host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of nested hostgroup Value: Must be String |
environment_id optional |
id of nested environment Value: Must be String |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/puppetclasses/base 200 { "puppetclass": { "name": "base", "id": 980190962, "lookup_keys": [ { "lookup_key": { "required": false, "id": 298486374, "description": null, "key": "ssl_port", "is_param": false, "override": false, "default_value": "443" } } ] } }
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
id of nested host Value: Must be String |
hostgroup_id optional |
id of nested hostgroup Value: Must be String |
environment_id optional |
id of nested environment Value: Must be String |
id required |
id of puppetclass Value: Must be String |
POST /api/puppetclasses { "puppetclass": { "name": "test_puppetclass" } } 201 { "puppetclass": { "name": "test_puppetclass", "id": 980190963, "lookup_keys": [] } }
Param name | Description |
puppetclass required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
puppetclass[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/puppetclasses/base { "puppetclass": {} } 200 { "puppetclass": { "name": "base", "id": 980190962, "lookup_keys": [ { "id": 298486374 } ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
puppetclass required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
puppetclass[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/puppetclasses/base 200 { "puppetclass": { "name": "base", "id": 980190962, "lookup_keys": [ { "id": 298486374 } ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/reports 200 [ { "report": { "summary": "Success", "status": { "skipped": 0, "failed_restarts": 0, "failed": 0, "pending": 0, "restarted": 0, "applied": 0 }, "id": 70219655, "reported_at": "2012-12-11T15:24:42Z", "metrics": { "events": { "total": 0 }, "time": { "package": 0.003989, "schedule": 0.00083, "cron": 0.000419, "exec": 0.000299, "service": 0.149739, "config_retrieval": 16.3637869358063, "file": 0.007025, "filebucket": 0.000171, "mailalias": 0.000283 }, "resources": { "total": 33 }, "changes": {} }, "logs": [] } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/reports/70219655 200 { "report": { "summary": "Success", "status": { "skipped": 0, "failed_restarts": 0, "failed": 0, "pending": 0, "restarted": 0, "applied": 0 }, "id": 70219655, "reported_at": "2012-12-11T15:24:42Z", "metrics": { "events": { "total": 0 }, "time": { "package": 0.003989, "schedule": 0.00083, "cron": 0.000419, "exec": 0.000299, "service": 0.149739, "config_retrieval": 16.3637869358063, "file": 0.007025, "filebucket": 0.000171, "mailalias": 0.000283 }, "resources": { "total": 33 }, "changes": {} }, "logs": [] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
DELETE /api/reports/70219655 200 { "report": { "summary": "Success", "status": { "skipped": 0, "failed_restarts": 0, "failed": 0, "pending": 0, "restarted": 0, "applied": 0 }, "id": 70219655, "host": "", "reported_at": "2012-12-11T15:24:42Z", "logs": [], "metrics": { "events": { "total": 0 }, "time": { "package": 0.003989, "schedule": 0.00083, "cron": 0.000419, "service": 0.149739, "exec": 0.000299, "config_retrieval": 16.3637869358063, "file": 0.007025, "mailalias": 0.000283, "filebucket": 0.000171 }, "changes": {}, "resources": { "total": 33 } } } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/reports/last 200 { "report": { "summary": "Success", "status": { "skipped": 0, "failed_restarts": 0, "failed": 0, "pending": 0, "restarted": 0, "applied": 0 }, "id": 70219655, "reported_at": "2012-12-11T15:24:42Z", "metrics": { "events": { "total": 0 }, "time": { "package": 0.003989, "schedule": 0.00083, "cron": 0.000419, "exec": 0.000299, "service": 0.149739, "config_retrieval": 16.3637869358063, "file": 0.007025, "filebucket": 0.000171, "mailalias": 0.000283 }, "resources": { "total": 33 }, "changes": {} }, "logs": [] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
report required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
report[host] required |
Hostname or certname Value: Must be String |
report[reported_at] required |
UTC time of report Value: Must be String |
report[status] required |
Hash of status type totals Value: Must be Hash |
report[metrics] required |
Hash of report metrics, can be just {} Value: Must be Hash |
report[logs] optional |
Optional array of log hashes Value: Must be Array |
Param name | Description |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/roles/1 200 { "role": { "name": "Manager", "id": 1, "builtin": 0, "permissions": [ "view_architectures", "create_architectures", "edit_architectures", "destroy_architectures", "view_authenticators", "create_authenticators", "edit_authenticators", "destroy_authenticators", "view_environments", "create_environments", "edit_environments", "destroy_environments", "import_environments", "view_external_variables", "create_external_variables", "edit_external_variables", "destroy_external_variables", "view_domains", "create_domain", "edit_domains", "destroy_domains", "view_globals", "create_globals", "edit_globals", "destroy_globals", "view_hostgroups", "create_hostgroups", "edit_hostgroups", "destroy_hostgroups", "view_hosts", "create_hosts", "edit_hosts", "destroy_hosts", "view_media", "create_media", "edit_media", "destroy_media", "view_models", "create_models", "edit_models", "destroy_models", "view_operatingsystems", "create_operatingsystems", "edit_operatingsystems", "destroy_operatingsystems", "view_ptables", "create_ptables", "edit_ptables", "destroy_ptables", "view_puppetclasses", "create_puppetclasses", "edit_puppetclasses", "destroy_puppetclasses", "import_puppetclasses", "view_usergroups", "create_usergroups", "edit_usergroups", "destroy_usergroups", "view_users", "create_users", "edit_users", "destroy_users", "access_settings", "access_dashboard", "view_reports", "destroy_reports", "view_facts", "view_audit_logs", "view_statistics", "view_locations", "edit_locations", "create_locations", "destroy_locations", "view_organizations", "edit_organizations", "create_organizations", "destroy_organizations" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/roles { "role": { "name": "staff" } } 200 { "role": { "name": "staff", "id": 11, "builtin": 0, "permissions": [] } }
Param name | Description |
role required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
role[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/roles/1 { "role": {} } 200 { "role": { "name": "Manager", "id": 1, "builtin": 0, "permissions": [ "view_architectures", "create_architectures", "edit_architectures", "destroy_architectures", "view_authenticators", "create_authenticators", "edit_authenticators", "destroy_authenticators", "view_environments", "create_environments", "edit_environments", "destroy_environments", "import_environments", "view_external_variables", "create_external_variables", "edit_external_variables", "destroy_external_variables", "view_domains", "create_domain", "edit_domains", "destroy_domains", "view_globals", "create_globals", "edit_globals", "destroy_globals", "view_hostgroups", "create_hostgroups", "edit_hostgroups", "destroy_hostgroups", "view_hosts", "create_hosts", "edit_hosts", "destroy_hosts", "view_media", "create_media", "edit_media", "destroy_media", "view_models", "create_models", "edit_models", "destroy_models", "view_operatingsystems", "create_operatingsystems", "edit_operatingsystems", "destroy_operatingsystems", "view_ptables", "create_ptables", "edit_ptables", "destroy_ptables", "view_puppetclasses", "create_puppetclasses", "edit_puppetclasses", "destroy_puppetclasses", "import_puppetclasses", "view_usergroups", "create_usergroups", "edit_usergroups", "destroy_usergroups", "view_users", "create_users", "edit_users", "destroy_users", "access_settings", "access_dashboard", "view_reports", "destroy_reports", "view_facts", "view_audit_logs", "view_statistics", "view_locations", "edit_locations", "create_locations", "destroy_locations", "view_organizations", "edit_organizations", "create_organizations", "destroy_organizations" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
role required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
role[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/roles/1 200 { "role": { "name": "Manager", "id": 1, "builtin": 0, "permissions": [ "view_architectures", "create_architectures", "edit_architectures", "destroy_architectures", "view_authenticators", "create_authenticators", "edit_authenticators", "destroy_authenticators", "view_environments", "create_environments", "edit_environments", "destroy_environments", "import_environments", "view_external_variables", "create_external_variables", "edit_external_variables", "destroy_external_variables", "view_domains", "create_domain", "edit_domains", "destroy_domains", "view_globals", "create_globals", "edit_globals", "destroy_globals", "view_hostgroups", "create_hostgroups", "edit_hostgroups", "destroy_hostgroups", "view_hosts", "create_hosts", "edit_hosts", "destroy_hosts", "view_media", "create_media", "edit_media", "destroy_media", "view_models", "create_models", "edit_models", "destroy_models", "view_operatingsystems", "create_operatingsystems", "edit_operatingsystems", "destroy_operatingsystems", "view_ptables", "create_ptables", "edit_ptables", "destroy_ptables", "view_puppetclasses", "create_puppetclasses", "edit_puppetclasses", "destroy_puppetclasses", "import_puppetclasses", "view_usergroups", "create_usergroups", "edit_usergroups", "destroy_usergroups", "view_users", "create_users", "edit_users", "destroy_users", "access_settings", "access_dashboard", "view_reports", "destroy_reports", "view_facts", "view_audit_logs", "view_statistics", "view_locations", "edit_locations", "create_locations", "destroy_locations", "view_organizations", "edit_organizations", "create_organizations", "destroy_organizations" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/settings/333972760 200 { "setting": { "name": "administrator", "value": "", "id": 333972760, "description": "The Default administrator email address", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "category": "General", "settings_type": null, "default": "", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/settings/333972760 { "setting": {} } 200 { "setting": { "name": "administrator", "value": "", "id": 333972760, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "description": "The Default administrator email address", "settings_type": null, "category": "General", "default": "", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
setting required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
setting[value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
hostgroup_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
puppetclass_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
environment_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_class_parameter required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
smart_class_parameter[override] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
smart_class_parameter[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[default_value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[path] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[validator_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[validator_rule] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[override_value_order] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[parameter_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_class_parameter[required] optional |
Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
GET /api/smart_proxies?type=unknown_type 500 { "error": { "message": "Invalid feature type. Select one of: TFTP, BMC, DNS, DHCP, Puppetca, Puppet." } }
Param name | Description |
type optional |
filter by type Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/smart_proxies/980190962-dhcp-proxy 200 { "smart_proxy": { "name": "DHCP Proxy", "features": [], "url": "", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/smart_proxies { "smart_proxy": { "url": "http://server:8443", "name": "master02" } } 201 { "smart_proxy": { "url": "http://server:8443", "name": "master02", "id": 980190963, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:52Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:52Z" } }
Param name | Description |
smart_proxy required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
smart_proxy[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
smart_proxy[url] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/smart_proxies/980190962-dhcp-proxy { "smart_proxy": {} } 200 { "smart_proxy": { "url": "", "name": "DHCP Proxy", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
smart_proxy required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
smart_proxy[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_proxy[url] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/smart_proxies/281110143-unused-proxy 200 { "smart_proxy": { "url": "http://else.where:4567", "name": "Unused Proxy", "id": 281110143, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
host_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
hostgroup_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
puppetclass_id optional |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
smart_variable required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
smart_variable[variable] required |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[puppetclass_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
smart_variable[default_value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[override_value_order] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[validator_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[validator_rule] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[variable_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
smart_variable required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
smart_variable[variable] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[puppetclass_id] optional |
Value: Must be a number. |
smart_variable[default_value] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[override_value_order] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[description] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[validator_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[validator_rule] optional |
Value: Must be String |
smart_variable[variable_type] optional |
Value: Must be String |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/subnets 200 [ { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "one", "network": "", "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [ 822172901 ], "tftp_id": 298486374, "id": 980190962, "dhcp_id": 980190962, "dns_id": 113629430, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": "41", "mask": "", "from": null, "gateway": null, "to": null } }, { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "two", "network": "", "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [ 534821992 ], "tftp_id": 298486374, "id": 298486374, "dhcp_id": 980190962, "dns_id": null, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": "42", "mask": "", "from": null, "gateway": null, "to": null } }, { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "three", "network": "", "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [], "tftp_id": 298486374, "id": 113629430, "dhcp_id": 980190962, "dns_id": null, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": "43", "mask": "", "from": null, "gateway": null, "to": null } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
Filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
Sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/subnets/980190962 200 { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "one", "network": "", "dns": { "url": "http://else.where:4567", "name": "DNS Proxy", "id": 113629430 }, "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [ 822172901 ], "tftp_id": 298486374, "id": 980190962, "dhcp_id": 980190962, "dns_id": 113629430, "dhcp": { "url": "", "name": "DHCP Proxy", "id": 980190962 }, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": "41", "mask": "", "tftp": { "url": "http://somewhere.else", "name": "TFTP Proxy", "id": 298486374 }, "from": null, "gateway": null, "to": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/subnets { "subnet": { "name": "QA2", "network": "", "mask": "" } } 200 { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "QA2", "dns": null, "network": "", "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [], "id": 980190963, "tftp_id": null, "dhcp_id": null, "dns_id": null, "dhcp": null, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": null, "mask": "", "tftp": null, "gateway": null, "from": null, "to": null } }
Param name | Description |
subnet required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
subnet[name] required |
Subnet name Value: Must be String |
subnet[network] required |
Subnet network Value: Must be String |
subnet[mask] required |
Netmask for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[gateway] optional |
Primary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[dns_primary] optional |
Primary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[dns_secondary] optional |
Secondary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[from] optional |
Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion Value: Must be String |
subnet[to] optional |
Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion Value: Must be String |
subnet[vlanid] optional |
VLAN ID for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[domain_ids] optional |
Domains in which this subnet is part Value: Must be Array |
subnet[dhcp_id] optional |
DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
subnet[tftp_id] optional |
TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
subnet[dns_id] optional |
DNS Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
PUT /api/subnets/980190962 { "subnet": {} } 200 { "subnet": { "priority": null, "name": "one", "dns": { "url": "http://else.where:4567", "name": "DNS Proxy", "id": 113629430 }, "network": "", "dns_secondary": null, "domain_ids": [ 822172901 ], "id": 980190962, "tftp_id": 298486374, "dhcp_id": 980190962, "dns_id": 113629430, "dhcp": { "url": "", "name": "DHCP Proxy", "id": 980190962 }, "dns_primary": null, "vlanid": "41", "mask": "", "tftp": { "url": "http://somewhere.else", "name": "TFTP Proxy", "id": 298486374 }, "gateway": null, "from": null, "to": null } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Subnet numeric identifier Value: Must be a number. |
subnet required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
subnet[name] optional |
Subnet name Value: Must be String |
subnet[network] optional |
Subnet network Value: Must be String |
subnet[mask] optional |
Netmask for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[gateway] optional , nil allowed |
Primary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[dns_primary] optional , nil allowed |
Primary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[dns_secondary] optional , nil allowed |
Secondary DNS for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[from] optional , nil allowed |
Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion Value: Must be String |
subnet[to] optional , nil allowed |
Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion Value: Must be String |
subnet[vlanid] optional , nil allowed |
VLAN ID for this subnet Value: Must be String |
subnet[domain_ids] optional , nil allowed |
Domains in which this subnet is part Value: Must be Array |
subnet[dhcp_id] optional , nil allowed |
DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
subnet[tftp_id] optional , nil allowed |
TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
subnet[dns_id] optional , nil allowed |
DNS Proxy to use within this subnet Value: Must be a number. |
DELETE /api/subnets/980190962 422 { "subnet": { "id": 980190962, "errors": { "base": [ " is used by", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by anotherfullhost", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by otherfullhost", " is used by", " is used by sol10host", " is used by" ] }, "full_messages": [ " is used by", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by anotherfullhost", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by", " is used by otherfullhost", " is used by", " is used by sol10host", " is used by" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Subnet numeric identifier Value: Must be a number. |
Param name | Description |
config_template_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
config_template_id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
template_combination required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
template_combination[environment_id] optional , nil allowed |
environment id Value: Must be a number. |
template_combination[hostgroup_id] optional , nil allowed |
hostgroup id Value: Must be a number. |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
GET /api/template_kinds 200 [ { "template_kind": { "name": "PXELinux", "id": 452984334 } }, { "template_kind": { "name": "script", "id": 478250810 } }, { "template_kind": { "name": "gPXE", "id": 158998239 } }, { "template_kind": { "name": "finish", "id": 550103832 } }, { "template_kind": { "name": "provision", "id": 983253650 } } ]
Param name | Description |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/usergroups 200 [ { "usergroup": { "name": "MyString", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }, { "usergroup": { "name": "MyString2", "id": 298486374, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } } ]
Param name | Description |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
GET /api/usergroups/980190962 200 { "usergroup": { "name": "MyString", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be an identifier, string from 1 to 128 characters containing only alphanumeric characters, space, underscore(_), hypen(-) with no leading or trailing space. |
POST /api/usergroups { "usergroup": { "name": "test_usergroup" } } 201 { "usergroup": { "name": "test_usergroup", "id": 980190963 } }
Param name | Description |
usergroup required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
usergroup[name] required |
Value: Must be String |
PUT /api/usergroups/980190962 { "usergroup": {} } 200 { "usergroup": { "name": "MyString", "id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
usergroup required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
usergroup[name] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/usergroups/980190962 200 { "usergroup": { "name": "MyString", "id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
GET /api/users 200 [ { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "role_id": null, "mail": "", "id": 135138680, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": true, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "admin", "firstname": "Admin", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 980190962 } }, { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "role_id": null, "mail": "", "id": 886836129, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": true, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "apiadmin", "firstname": "apiadmin", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 200482051 } }, { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "role_id": null, "mail": "", "id": 980190962, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": false, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "one", "firstname": "One", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 980190962 } }, { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "role_id": null, "mail": "", "id": 200482051, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": false, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "test", "firstname": "test", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 200482051 } }, { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "role_id": null, "mail": "", "id": 298486374, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": false, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "two", "firstname": "Two", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 980190962 } } ]
Param name | Description |
search optional |
filter results Value: Must be String |
order optional |
sort results Value: Must be String |
page optional |
paginate results Value: Must be String |
per_page optional |
number of entries per request Value: Must be String |
GET /api/users/980190962-one 200 { "user": { "domains_andor": "or", "filter_on_owner": null, "roles": [ { "role": { "name": "Viewer", "id": 5, "builtin": 0, "permissions": [ "view_architectures", "view_audit_logs", "view_authenticators", "access_dashboard", "view_domains", "view_environments", "view_external_variables", "view_facts", "view_globals", "view_hostgroups", "view_hosts", "view_locations", "view_media", "view_models", "view_operatingsystems", "view_ptables", "view_puppetclasses", "view_reports", "access_settings", "view_statistics", "view_organizations", "view_usergroups", "view_users" ] } }, { "role": { "name": "Anonymous", "id": 7, "builtin": 2, "permissions": [ "view_hosts" ] } } ], "role_id": null, "auth_source_ldap": { "name": "ldap", "tls": true, "attr_login": "uid", "attr_firstname": "givenName", "port": 123, "attr_lastname": "sn", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z", "attr_mail": "mail", "base_dn": "dn=x,dn=y", "host": "ldap", "account": null, "type": "AuthSourceLdap", "onthefly_register": true, "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:43Z" }, "mail": "", "id": 980190962, "hostgroups_andor": "or", "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": false, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "lastname": "User", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "login": "one", "firstname": "One", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
Adds role ‘Anonymous’ to the user by default
Param name | Description |
user required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
user[login] required |
Value: Must be String |
user[firstname] optional |
Value: Must be String |
user[lastname] optional |
Value: Must be String |
user[mail] required |
Value: Must be String |
user[admin] optional |
Is an admin account? Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
user[password] required |
Value: Must be String |
user[auth_source_id] required |
Value: Must be Integer |
Adds role ‘Anonymous’ to the user if it is not already present. Only admin can set admin account.
PUT /api/users/980190963 { "user": { "password_confirmation": "DUMMY", "password": "dummy", "login": "johnsmith" } } 422 { "user": { "id": 980190963, "errors": { "password": [ "doesn't match confirmation" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Password doesn't match confirmation" ] } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |
user required |
Value: Must be a Hash |
user[login] optional |
Value: Must be String |
user[firstname] optional , nil allowed |
Value: Must be String |
user[lastname] optional , nil allowed |
Value: Must be String |
user[mail] optional |
Value: Must be String |
user[admin] optional |
Is an admin account? Value: Must be 'true' or 'false' |
user[password] optional |
Value: Must be String |
DELETE /api/users/980190962 200 { "user": { "filter_on_owner": null, "domains_andor": "or", "role_id": null, "organizations_andor": "or", "mail": "", "id": 980190962, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "hostgroups_andor": "or", "compute_resources_andor": "or", "admin": false, "password_hash": null, "last_login_on": "2009-10-12T21:50:04Z", "locations_andor": "or", "lastname": "User", "password_salt": null, "login": "one", "created_at": "2012-12-18T15:24:42Z", "firstname": "One", "facts_andor": "or", "auth_source_id": 980190962 } }
Param name | Description |
id required |
Value: Must be String |